Mark Hutchings

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Filología Inglesa. Despacho 2.4
Profesor Visitante

Docencia / Teaching Assignments

Primer semestre

  • Literatura Inglesa: Edad Media y Renacimiento - 102509 (Grado en Estudios Ingleses)
  • Transitions between Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Master-PhD MAES)

Investigación / Research

I hold a Beatriz Galindo (Senior) award at the Universidad de Salamanca, and I am Associate Professor in Early English Theatre in the Department of English Literature at the University of Reading, UK.
Early modern theatre history and performance practices (especially in indoor spaces); the drama of Thomas Middleton; early modern diplomacy as performance; Anglo-Spanish cultural relations in the early modern era; the theatre interval; modern British drama.
GIR Networks of Exchange research group, based at Universidad de Valladolid: Early Modern Research Centre, University of Reading:
  • ‘Diplomacy Narratives as Documents of Performance’, in Ana Saez Hidalgo and Berta Cano Echevarría, eds., Exile, Diplomacy and Texts: Exchanges between Iberia and the British Isles, 1500-1767 Intersections 74 (Leiden: Brill, 2021), 208-27
  • (ed.) The Changeling: A Critical Reader (London: Bloomsbury; hardback 2019, paperback 2020)
  • ‘Introduction’, in Hutchings, ed., The Changeling: A Critical Reader (London: Bloomsbury; hardback 2019, paperback 2020), 1-14
  • ‘Enter Ralph Trapdore’, Shakespeare Bulletin 37:2 (2019), 187-204
  • (with Berta Cano Echevarría) ‘The Spanish Ambassador’s Account of James I’s Entry into London, 1604 [with text]’, The Seventeenth Century 33:3 (2018), 255-77
  • Titus Andronicus and the Trapdoor at the Rose and Newington Butts’, Shakespeare Survey 71 (2018), 221-31
  • (with Berta Cano Echevarría) ‘Valladolid, 1605: a Theatre for Peace’, in J.R. Mulryne, K. de Jonge, R.L.M. Morris and P. Martens, eds., Occasions of State: Early Modern European Festivals and the Negotiation of Power (London & New York: Routledge, 2018), 93-108
  • Turks, Repertories, and the Early Modern English Stage (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
  • 'News from Plymouth and The Changeling’, Notes and Queries 64:3 (2017), 410-11
  • ‘Barabas’s Fall’, Theatre Notebook 69: 1 (2015), 2-16
  • ‘Staging the Sherleys’ Travails’, Cahiers Élisabéthains 87: 1 (2015), 43-62
  • ‘Marlowe’s “Greekish Strumpet”’, Notes and Queries 62:1 (2015), 66-69