Fco. Javier Ruano García
Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Filología Inglesa. Despacho 1.5.
Profesor Titular
- fjrg@usal.es
Tel: 0034-923294500.
Extensión: 6159 -
Tutorías / Office hours
Primer semestre: Concertar por e-mail
Segundo semestre
lunes y miércoles: 11.15-13.15
martes: 09.00-11.00
Docencia / Teaching Assignments
Primer semestre
- Writing a Research Paper (Master-PhD MAES)
- Phonology, Dialects and Discourse (Master-PhD MAES)
- Didáctica en la Especialidad: Inglés (Master-PhD. MUPES)
Segundo semestre
- Historia de la Lengua Inglesa - 102513 (Grado en Estudios Ingleses - Fac. Filología)
- Gramática Histórica - 102539 (Grado en Estudios Ingleses - Fac. Filología)
- Variación Lingüística en Inglés Moderno Temprano - 102542 (Grado en Estudios Ingleses - Fac. Filología)
Investigación / Research
Actividad investigadora:
Participación en grupos de investigación:
IP del grupo de investigación reconocido DING (Dialectología inglesa diacrónica e Historia de la lengua inglesa).I am the principal investigator of the research group DING DING (Dialectología inglesa diacrónica e Historia de la lengua inglesa).
Áreas de investigación:
- Dialectología inglesa diacrónica, lexicografía y lexicología dialectales, enregisterment en contextos históricos, lingüística de corpus, literatura dialectal, dialectos literarios, edición de manuscritos.
English diachronic dialectology, historical dialect lexicography and lexicology, enregisterment in historical contexts, corpus linguistics, literary dialects and dialect literature, manuscript editing.
Selección de publicaciones / Selected publications
Libros / Books
- (2018) Etymological Collections of English Words and Provincial Expressions. Oxford: Oxford University Press 37.
- (2010) Early Modern Northern English Lexis: A Literary Corpus-Based Study. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, etc.: Peter Lang.
Artículos y capítulos de libros / Refereed journal articles and book chapters
- (forthcoming) "The language of dialect writing". The New Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol. II Documentation, Data Sources and Modelling (eds. Merja Kytö and Erik Smitterberg; general ed. Raymond Hickey). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- (2023a) “‘Well, taakin about he da bring inta me yead wat I promised var ta tell ee about’: Representations of south-western speech in nineteenth-century dialect writing”. English Language & Linguistics 27.3: 561-590. (Special Issue “Speech representation in Late Modern English text types”, eds. Anita Auer, Anne- Christine Gardner and Mark Iten). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1360674323000321.
- (2023b) “Linguistic perceptions of Irish English in nineteenth-century emigrant letters: A micro-perspective analysis of John Kerr’s letters”. International Journal of English Studies. (Special Issue “Third wave historical sociolinguistics”, ed. Tamara García-Vidal) (joint paper with Carolina Amador-Moreno; second author).
- (2023c) “Investigating variation and change in Late Modern English dialects: The Salamanca Corpus”. Corpora and Language Change in Late Modern English. Bern, etc.: Peter Lang (joint paper with María F. García-Bermejo Giner; second author).
- (2022a) “On the impact of Horae Subsecivae on the EDD’s coverage of western words: The contribution of an unpublished glossary to our knowledge of historical lexical variation in some western dialects”. English Today. 38.4:213-222. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078421000043
- (2022b) “Jonnie Robinson. A Thesaurus of English Dialect and Slang: England, Wales and the Channel Islands”. Anglia 140.2: 262-266. https://doi.org/10.1515/ang-2022-0020
- (2022c) “Manfred Markus. English Dialect Dictionary Online. A New Departure in English Dialectology”. Anglia139.4.: 758-763. https://doi.org/10.1515/ang-2021-0058
- (2021a) "Aw’m Lancashire, owd cock, and gradely hearty: Enregistered Lancashire voices in the nineteenth-century theatre”. The Dialects of British English in Fictional Texts (eds. Donatella Montini and Irene Ranzato). London, NY: Routledge. 108-129.
- (2021b) “Horae Subsecivae, ‘that remarkable glossary of West Country words’ (Bodl. MS Eng. lang. d. 66)”. International Journal of Lexicography 34.2: 235-258.https://doi.org/10.1093/ijl/ecaa028
- (2020a) "On the enregisterment of the Lancashire dialect in Late Modern English: Spelling in focus". Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics. 6.1. https://doi.org/10.1515/jhsl-2018-0024.
- (2020b) "Shaping the other in the standardization of English: The case of the 'northern' dialect". International Journal of English Studies. 20.2: 185-205 [Special issue on Standardization and change in Early Modern English: Empirical and theoretical approaches].
- (2020c) "“He towd her soe monny a mad farrant Tele": On flotsam, respellings and the enregisterment of l-vocalisation and /a/+nasal in the Late Modern Lancashire dialect”. Altre Modernità 22.2: 16.34.
- (2020d) “The contribution of Angelina Parker to the English Dialect Dictionary”. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 41.2.: 1-24.
- (2020e) "Some challenges behind the compilation of the Salamanca Corpus: The Wiltshire dialect as a case study”. Nexus 2020(2): 53-66 (joint paper with Pilar Sánchez-García; second author).
- (2019) "On the colonial element in Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary". International Journal of Lexicography. 32.1: 38-57. https://doi.org/10.1093/ijl/ecy020.
- (2018) "Common to the North of England and to New England: British English regionalisms in John Russell Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms”. Sociocultural Dimensions of Lexis and Text in the History of English (eds. Peter Petré, Hubert Cuyckens, Frauke D’ hoedt). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 343). 183-200
- (2016) "When the provincial dialects were the subject of conversation: Eighteenth-century Norfolk words in BL Add MS 32640. Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 37.
- (2015a). "Northern English historical lexis and spelling". Researching Northern English (ed. Raymond Hickey). Amsterdam, Philadephia: John Benjamins (Varieties of English around the World 55) [co-autor con María F. García-Bermejo Giner y Pilar Sánchez-García].
- (2015b). "Northern ascriptions in MS Lansdowne 1033: George Hickes's Dictionariolum Islandicum in focus". Historiographia Linguistica 42.1: 21-38.
- (2015c). "Provincial in England, but in common use with us: John R. Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms and the English Dialect Dictionary". Transatlantic Perspectives on Late Modern English (ed. Marina Dossena). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics 3) [co-autor con María F. García-Bermejo Giner y Pilar Sánchez-García].
- (2014a). "On John T. Brockett's Glossary of North Country Words: Notes on the reception of White Kennett's Parochial Anqtiuities (1695) and MS Lansdowne 1033". Notes and Queries 61.4: 536-542.
- (2014b). "Cumbrian Lexis in the English Dialect Dictionary: William Nicolson's Glossarium Brigantinum (1677) in focus". Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America 35: 162-186.
- (2013a). "A Wiltshire word, according to Kennett: The contribution of MS Lansd. 1033 to Halliwell's Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words (1847)". Meaning in the History of English: Words and Texts in Context (eds. Andreas H. Jucker, et al.). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Language Companion Series).
- (2013b). "Past tense BE forms in Late Modern Lancashire English: A preliminary corpus-based approach". New Methods in Historical Corpus Linguistics (eds. Martin Durrell et al). Narr Verlag (Corpus linguistics and Interdisciplinary perspectives on language 3): Tübingen. [co-autor con María F. García-Bermejo Giner y Pilar Sánchez-García].
- (2013c). "Digging into the English Dialect Dictionary: The contribution of MS Lansd 1033". International Journal of Lexicography 26.2: 176-189.
- (2012a). "Late Modern Lancashire English in lexicographical context: Representations of Lancashire speech and the English Dialect Dictionary". English Today 28.4: 60-68. (Special issue on lexical variation edited by Joan C. Beal).
- (2012b). "Bishop White Kennett's Etymological Collections of English Words and Provincial Expressions: An unprinted source of regional vocabulary". Periphrasis, Replacement and Renewal: Studies in English Historical Linguistics (eds. Irén Hegedüs, Dóra Pödör). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 309-331.
- (2012c). "Th'Monn, twoman and t felley: On the definite article in traditional Lancashire English". Creation and Use of Historical English Corpora in Spain (ed. Nila Vázquez-González). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 405-435.
- (2012d). "The enregisterment of the northern dialect in Early Modern English: An evaluation across literary text types". At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain (eds. Sara Martìn Alegre et al). Barcelona: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 376-383.
- (2011a). "The world has got some hint of her country speech: On the enregisterment of the 'northern dialect'". En Carrió Pastor, M. L. y Candel Mora, M. A. Las Tecnologías de la Información y Las Comunicaciones: Presente y Futuro en el Análisis de Córpora. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València.
- (2011b). "Towards an Understanding of Joseph Wright's Sources: Bishop White Kennett's Parochial Antiquities (1695) and the English Dialect Dictionary". En Markus, Manfred, et al. (eds.) Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 241-256.
Cargos de Gestión / Position
- Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contacto (14/02/2024-)
- Coordinador Erasmus (enero 2011–octubre 2014)
- Coordinador programas de movilidad de estudiantes de Máster y Doctorado (octubre 2015—)
- Coordinador del Grado en Estudios Ingleses (enero 2017—abril 2023).
- Presidente de la Comisión de Calidad del Grado en Estudios Ingleses (septiembre 2017—abril 2023).
- Secretario de la Comisión de Calidad del Máster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contacto (diciembre 2016—).
- Secretario de la Comisión Académica del Programa de Doctorado Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contacto (octubre 2020—14/02/2024).